Performance Campaign:7500+ Clinic Footfall In 3 Months

AI-powered chatbot to automatically schedule appointments on WhatsApp to help their Sales team increase efficiency and improve the quality of conversations.

Amazing Results

Website Traffic
+ 0
Generated Leads
+ 0
Lead To Conversion
Generated Rvenue


Sabka Dentist is a leading dental clinic chain with multiple branches across India, offering patients a wide range of dental services. With a commitment to providing quality dental care, Sabka Dentist aims to make dental treatments accessible and affordable to all. At Sabka Dentist, patients can expect more than good dental treatment Sabka Dentist works to encourage better oral health and helps people feel good, look good, and be more confident. 

The Big Challenge

Sabka Dentist, a leading dental care provider, approached Mint Social Media with the challenge of enhancing their online presence and attracting more clients. Despite being a well-established brand in the dental industry, Sabka Dentist faced stiff competition and struggled to stand out amidst a crowded digital landscape. Their existing social media strategy lacked engagement and failed to generate leads effectively. Sabka Dentist needed a comprehensive social media solution to revamp their online image and drive tangible results. Despite having a strong presence in the offline market, Sabka Dentist faced challenges in expanding its online reach and attracting new customers through digital channels. The client sought to increase website traffic, generate leads, improve conversion rates, and ultimately boost revenue through effective social media marketing strategies, Google, Facebook & Instagram Ads

The Perfect Solution

Mint Social Media devised a tailored strategy to address Sabka Dentist’s challenges and achieve their goals. The following steps were implemented:

  1. Comprehensive Social Media Audit: Mint conducted a thorough audit of Sabka Dentist’s existing social media channels to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

  2. Target Audience Analysis: Mint analyzed Sabka Dentist’s target audience demographics, behaviors, and preferences to create content that resonated with them.

  3. Content Strategy Development: Mint developed a content strategy focused on providing valuable information about dental care, oral hygiene tips, and engaging with the audience through interactive posts, quizzes, and contests.

  4. Visual Branding Enhancement: Mint revamped Sabka Dentist’s social media profiles with visually appealing graphics, consistent branding elements, and professional photography to enhance their online presence.

  5. Engagement and Community Building: Mint fostered engagement by actively responding to comments, messages, and inquiries in a timely manner. They also initiated conversations with followers and encouraged user-generated content to build a sense of community around the brand.

  6. Paid Advertising Campaigns: Mint executed targeted advertising campaigns on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Google Ads to reach potential clients and drive conversions.

  7. Analytics and Optimization: Mint continuously monitored the performance of Sabka Dentist’s social media campaigns using analytics tools. They analyzed key metrics such as reach, engagement, and conversion rates to optimize strategies for better results.

The Result

The implementation of Mint Social Media’s comprehensive strategy yielded significant results for Sabka Dentist:

  1. Increased Brand Awareness: Sabka Dentist experienced a noticeable increase in brand visibility across social media platforms, leading to a wider audience reach and improved brand recognition.

  2. Higher Engagement Rates: The engagement metrics, including likes, comments, shares, and direct messages, saw a significant surge as a result of Mint’s engaging content and proactive community management efforts.

  3. Lead Generation and Conversion: The targeted advertising campaigns generated a steady stream of leads for Sabka Dentist, resulting in an increase in appointment bookings and conversions.

  4. Improved Online Reputation: Sabka Dentist’s positive online interactions and valuable content helped enhance their reputation as a trustworthy and reliable dental care provider.

  5. Data-Driven Insights: The analytics and optimization efforts provided valuable insights into audience preferences, content performance, and campaign effectiveness, allowing for continuous improvement and refinement of the social media strategy.